CTA California Advocacy Fund

The goods movement industry is the backbone of California's working class, providing one-third of the state's economy and jobs. The California Trucking Association (CTA) is dedicated to ensuring that California's goods movement industry continues to provide economic opportunity while being the country's leader on sustainability. 

Unfortunately, California continues to rank among the most difficult states to do business in. Trucking, logistics, supply chain and distribution interests need a seat at the table. Please consider a contribution to CTA's California Advocacy Fund.  

About the CTA California Advocacy Fund 

The CTA California Advocacy Fund supports CTA’s efforts on issues related to the improvement of California’s business climate for the goods movement industry. Use of this fund includes, but is not limited to, funding for litigation, legal research and advice, consulting, public affairs campaigns and media relations. This fund is not Political Action Committee. No funds will be used for ballot measures or political campaigns.

We're sorry. We are no longer taking contributions at this time. This campaign ended on 07/19/2024.