Dynamex/AB 5 Litigation Fund

The Dynamex Decision created a new test that makes it nearly impossible for independent contractors to operate in California. In October 2018, CTA filed a lawsuit seeking declaratory and injunctive relief from the Dynamex Decision. In November 2019, CTA amended its lawsuit to add claims challenging AB 5 in order to prevent the application of this destructive bill to the trucking industry.

We will not be able to defeat the Dynamex Decision/AB 5 without your help and are asking you to consider making a contribution to the litigation.

Steps to Contribute Online By Using the Gift Designation Below

1. Suggested Amount: The Suggested Amount field lists $2,500 as a suggested contribution amount. The drop down arrow also lists $5,000, $7,500, $10,000, and $25,000 as other suggested contributions. All suggested amounts are only recommendations and not required. 

2. Gift Amount: Enter the amount you want to contribute in the Gift Amount field. You can contribute $100 - $25,000. 

3. Frequency: If you would like your contribution to be reoccurring, click on the drop down arrow and change the frequency. 

4. Personal Info: Enter your name and email address. If you are donating on behalf of an organization, check the organization box then enter the Organization Name

4. Address: Enter the address of the individual or organization that is contributing, include a recognition name if applicable. 

5. Payment Processing: Enter the credit card information, billing address for the card, email, and phone number associated with the card

6. Pay Now: After entering all information, click Pay Now. Your contribution will be processed and you will be emailed a receipt.  

Other Contribution Options

If you would like to contribute below $100, above $25,000, pay by check, or make contributions in installments, please contact Eric Sauer at (916) 373-3562 or esauer@caltrux.org.

Dynamex/AB 5 Litigation Fund
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Amount Details
Item Amount Frequency Start Date End Date Total
(Minimum Amount: {{itemPledgeItems.ExtraOptions.MinimumPrice | currency}})
The minimum amount is {{itemPledgeItems.ExtraOptions.MinimumPrice | currency}} The maximum amount is {{itemPledgeItems.ExtraOptions.MaximumPrice | currency}}
Start Date
End Date
The max end date is {{formattedMaxEndDate(itemPledgeItems)}}.
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